February 24, 2008

Gluten Free Carrot Cake

It's not actually my birthday, that was in September, but I really wanted to post my mom's carrot cake recipe. When I went home to visit for my birthday, my mom tweaked our family's old standby carrot cake-cum-birthday cake recipe (my dad won't touch chocolate with a ten foot pole, don't ask) to be gluten free for me, and heart healthy for my dad, who had open heart surgery in May. It turned out great! Here's the recipe:

Vegetable Nut Torte aka Carrot Cake
Modification for gluten free, low fat

3 c gluten free flour (we like Bob's Red Mill)
1.5 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
1.5 c sugar

egg replacer for 4 eggs (Ener-G)
1.5 c apple sauce (no additives) in place of oil
1.5 c grated carrots
0.5 c finely chopped celery
1.0 c finely chopped rhubarb
8 oz crushed pineapple, drained
0.5 c chopped pecans

(apple sauce, carrots, celery could have been increased from her original recipe to provide more

Sift dry ingredients. Beat or mix eggs, add applesauce, veggies, then
dry ingredients. (When using Ener-G egg replacer, I usually just use the powder with out additional water)

Bake in a greased and floured spring form pan (or other of your choice)
at 350 for 45-50 min or until tooth pick comes out clean.

When fully cooled frost

Modified cream cheese frosting:
8 oz rice cream cheese
0.5 c sifted powdered sugar (could use less)
2-3 oz Smart Balance spread
1 tsp almond extract



  1. I am adopting you! I am making this recipe for the adopt a gluten free blogger. I love carrot cake, and it just so happens that I told my family that I was going to make a carrot cake for thanksgiving, and now I have a recipe!

  2. What is the purpose of the celery and rhubarb? That's really interested

  3. in the original recipe it's just carrots and celery, but we love rhubarb so my mom used it. They add moisture to the recipe. My mom thought she could have used a little more. It would probably work just as well with all carrot.

    I'm so proud you're adopting me! I think I'm going to re-work it to be grain free for this month's Go Ahead Honey... which is now posted.

  4. Any suggestions on a delicious substitute for pineapple? I'm allergic!
