August 27, 2008

A Day of Rest

All this week I've been feeling a little run down. Somewhere between caring for Toni (he may be tiny, but he and his brother are the lights of this home), taking care of the Trainer, and trying to keep myself in order I got a cold. At first I thought it was allergies, but it was exacerbated by an extended wait at the vet's (I'm allergic to almost all other furry animals). I knew that I was needed more at work yesterday, tomorrow and Friday than I was today.

After waking up and taking a hot shower I felt no better and called the VP to see if they could manage without me today. I ended up sleeping for a good part of the day, with the Trainer at my side, and resting for the remainder.

I did get to enjoy my Ginger Glazed Salmon at home, and it was really good. I succeeded in making one egg crepe and made a wrap which was really good. Now I just have to get through the next two days and I will get my first ever paid vacation from work.

1 comment:

  1. Feel better, enjoy your vacation now (the yogurt maker sounds intriguing!) You and Toni should both have a complete and speedy recovery! Well, you first, I guess, but I'm visualizing healing thoughts Toni's way and sending virtual ear-rubs, for what it's worth.
