August 12, 2008

Home-Roasted Beef

At Whole Foods this week beef sirloin steaks were on sale at a $2 a pound savings. Last time I got a steak I cooked the bajesus out of it because the Trainer doesn't like rare meat. In fact, he claims it turns his stomach. Oh well. More for me!

This week I was not going to ruin such nice cut of meat. I got the thickest piece they had, and the wheels in my head started turning. This is what spun out:

Rosemary Home-Roasted Beef (I promise I'll post a picture on the recipe page!)
1 onion
4 cloves garlic
6-8 full sprigs rosemary
Juice of 1 lime
Fresh ground black pepper
Sea salt

I started by laying out a large piece of aluminum foil on the kitchen table and then generous amounts of cling wrap

I thinly sliced 1/2 the onion and garlic and arranged the slices on the cling wrap, followed by half the rosemary, roughly chopped/bruised

I scored 1side of the meat and squeezed lime juice onto it. Then liberally covered it with salt and pepper. I laid the meat seasoned side down on the garlic and onions, pushing everything under the steak

I scored, juiced and seasoned the other side and then layered on the rosemary, garlic and the rest of the onion, sliced.

I wrapped the whole thing up snugly in the cling wrap, wrapped the whole package in the foil and put in the fridge to 'cure'.

The next night I fired up the George Foreman grill, and heated up as hot as it would go, 425. When it was ready I in carefully unwrapped the meat and tipped it quickly onto the element, keeping all the seasoning in place.

I cooked it for 10 minutes and then let it stand until it was cool enough to slice.

I sliced it as thinly as possible, trimming the fat, and stored it onions and all in the fridge.

Sent from my iPhone

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