August 31, 2008

Phew! Ready To Go

So tomorrow morning I'm getting up at the crack of dawn, well, maybe not quite that early, I'll sneak to the shower, get dressed and tip-toe out of the house and set out for LaGuardia airport. I'm flying to Ann Arbor, and then with my parents we'll head to Alaska for a cruise through the glaciers. I'm leaving the Trainer with two weeks worth of burgers in the freezer and 5 bags of pancake mix that should last him until my return. He will have to handle all the gerbil duties for two weeks. I'm sure he'll do fine (he's really a great gerbil papi).

In preparation for the trip I spoke to the cruise company and our very helpful customer service rep. Cruise West already has a system in place to accommodate people with food allergies or dietary needs, and I didn't give my mom permission to make the reservations until I was confidant that I would be able to eat safely. They say that they are familiar with gluten free options, although I did end up educating Ken, the customer service rep on all the various types of contamination.

My adoption of the SCD threatened to derail things, but after a quick call to Ken, he thought things would be just fine. Between us we decided that a list of what I could eat was much more helpful than what I can't eat, and that I would be able to meet with the chef to discuss the particulars. There are no refrigerator in the cabins, but there is one at the bar where I can keep my homemade yogurt if I can figure out a way to bring it along.

I will let everyone know how Cruise West does on the food. I'm sure the cruise will be fantastic. I'm really excited about that. My cabin will open right out on the deck, so I'll have an extra window and can run out to see the whales.

Toni is doing well without his cast. He still has the silly little collar on, but the Trainer will take him to the vet on Tuesday and if all goes well it will come off. I will leave you with an unauthorized shot of the Trainer with Tavo, Toni's twin brother.
Aren't they cute?
Chao! Until I return.

1 comment:

  1. oh wow! Hope you are having a blast.

    Such a cute gerbil :)

    We had a gerbil, her name was Lucky. Since we aren't sure how old she was when we got her, we can only assume she was between 2-3 yrs old when she died. We had the joy of her for about 2 years. She was a very well cared for gerbil! We were very upset when she died. She passed shortly before Sophie was born.
