November 2, 2008

squash pikelets

Several weeks ago Jacqui posted her banana pikelets, a little something she mixed up for her brood. A few days later, the Trainer requested something new and special for a breakfast we were going to have together. I mixed up her recipe with hazelnut flour and an egg in stead of orange juice. They immediately became part of our routine.

Friday evening the Trainer requested banana pikelets to take with him to the gym Saturday morning. When I reached for the banana basket, it was empty and I had some quick thinking to do. The Trainer okayed the experimental use of leftover kabucha squash for his pikelets. (By the way, I love this new term for fat little pancakes, I expect that I'll be using it quite a bit in the future) So I threw together thse little squash pikelets for the Trainer and he immediately deemed them good enough to post.

Squash Pikelets
3/4-1 cup cooked squash
1/2 cup nut flour
1 egg
splash vanilla
mash all the ingredients together with a fork

spoon onto a heated griddle and cook until both sides are golden brown

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