I managed to get from New York to Ann Arbor without much excitement. As I was browsing the bookstore prior to my flight this little book caught my eye and triggered the Art Major in me, not to mention the cute factor. I could happily spend my days decorating cupcakes.
I arrived home ready for lunch and my mom and I quickly mixed up some tuna. As I was getting ready to serve myself she looked at the back of the can, it was packed in soy based broth and not SCD. Make sure you check all the ingredients in your canned tuna!
Monday evening I tried a few recipes to have SCD breads to take with me. I made Naomi's carrot pul

Stage 2: DTW to SEA
Wednesday morning I packed my backpack with enough food to hold me through the flight, boiled eggs, muffins, fruit, chicken salad and Lara Bars, and we loaded into the car and headed to the airport.
I didn't expect to be able to eat anything at the airport or on the plane, and there wasn't anything I

Before leaving Ann Arbor I called the hotel to get food suggestions and we got a few from Ken, our CruiseWest booking agent, as well. I called the restaurant by the hotel and was told that their menu
was not glute

We ended up going to 13 Coins, which was within walking distance of our hotel and where they said they were comfortable serving me. I think it helped that we were there at 4:30, our stomachs
were still

it had been the

Stage 3: SEA to KTN
The Coastal Gateway Hotel in Seattle offers a breakfast bar including eggs and fruit. I discovered that the fruit was sad apples, the pre-packaged peanut butter had added sugar and the boiled eggs were already peeled in a bowl right next to the toaster. I asked
if I could get a few eggs still in the shell and the young woman at

The Seattle airport has lots of cute shops, including one that sold cooked salmon in vacuum packages with only salmon and sea salt. We stocked up. They also had Washington honey and fruit and honey blends as well as Slug Butter, which is GF but not SCD.
In Ketchikan we were picked up from the airport and taken to the

A little while later she came back to tell me that the chef had seasoned my fish, and that she checked and the seasoning contained cornstarch and that they were fixing my meal again. It arrived plain and as we were finishing the restaurant manager came over to apologize. I told her how much I appreciated how aware and alert the waitress had been, how impressed I was with her knowledge of the kitchen practices and her honesty. Mom made Dad leave a large tip, even though they took my meal off the bill, and I left a thank you note for the waitress as well.
Stage 4: Cruising Alaska's Inside Passage
After lunch we wandered around Ketchikan, saw salmon swimming, just packed, in the local creek and the local Discovery Center. Before boarding we were w

After getting myself situated in my cabin I brought my SCD yogurt down to the bar, where I was told I would be able to keep it. Somehow I found the Second Mate who put my yogurt away and found the chef to come and speak

Misty Fiords-
Our first morning on the boat, my birthday, we woke up in Misty Fiords. Beautiful. Before breakfast we saw a black bear and bald eagles. By the time we docked at our first stop we saw harbor seals as well.

After lunch we visited the Tsimshian reserve of Metlakatla on Annette Island. This reserve, rather than reservation, is unique because the community was permitted to choose their own location close to their ancestral territory.Here we saw many of the community's totem poles and a performance of native dances inside the community longhouse.

Chef Eric and I spoke in the morning and again planned my days meals. At dinner we had an empty seat at our table and Captain Mike choose to sit next to me. Exciting to say the least. After dinner they announced my birthday *red face* and everyone sang, rather than a cake Chef Eric fixed a fruit purée and fruit plate for everyone at the table to share. They didn't want to give my dinning companions a dessert that I couldn't share. *me: beaming from ear to ear*

The second day we stopped at Petersberg, a town founded by a Norwegian fisherman that still has strong Scandinavian influence. Dad saw a Norwegian dance preformed by local youth and a raptor rehabilitation program. Mom and I took a jet boat out to see the

Tracy Arm & Frederick Sound-
On the fourth day of the cruise we traveled through Tracy Arm and Frederick Sound where we saw Harbor Seals, sea birds, sea lions, Sawyer Glacier and South Sawyer Glacier. We sailed into a huge


Glacier Bay National Park-
The following morning we picked up a Tlingit Cultural Interpreter for a cruise through Glacier Bay National Park. We saw sea otters at breakfast, murrelets, two types of puffins, murres, ravens, loons, sea lions, cormorants, gulls, kittiwakes, ducks, a bear and a mountain goat. Also the Margerie Glacier, Grand Pacific Glacier, Lamplugh Glacier and Reid Glacier. The glaciers are such amazing forces of nature. And to hear about the geology and native culture of the area while looking right at it really made it even more

Skagway is a goldrush town, a port where people set out for the Klondike. At the end of the 19th century a train track was built over the pass and Dad and I rode up and over into British Columbia along the same track that the stampeders used. The buildings in the downtown are mostly original but all the stores

In the afternoon we went on a rain forest hike in Haines. On our way to the hike we saw two young brown bears along the river. On our way back we saw eight, two juveniles and two mothers with two cubs each along with seals and bald eagles.

We disembarked in Juneau and went to see the Mendenhall Glacier before doing a little shopping. I got myself an ulu, and my nephew is getting Alaskan Manly Man soap for his birthday. While in Juneau we had lunch at The Twisted Fish Co. and after explaining gluten free to the waitress twice I was served a plate with a roll. The waitress really didn't seem to interested in us at all.

The airport in Juneau only has one little bar where my parents ate while waiting for our plane, which was delayed. After sorts losing Dad we boarded the plane which was delayed. In Seattle they drove us down the tarmac from one plane to the next. In Minneapolis we ran for the next plane which took of almost as soon as we boarded. After leaving Alaska around 9pm PT we were finally back at my parents house by noon ET. Not bad for a red-eye.
Stage 6: DTW to LGA
I was in Michigan long enough to have my mom do my laundry and do a little baking before returning to New York. The Trainer met at the bus stop and we went home together.
**I would like to thank CruiseWest and especially chef Eric for making my trip so wonderful with such amazing care, consideration and food!**
(it's driving me crazy that I can't get these pictures the way I want them, but I'm not savvy enough to get more then one picture in a frame. How do people make those collages? any help out there?
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How beautiful! I would love to see Alaska. It is just breath-taking isn't it? I love the picture of the bear walking on the rocks.
What type of collage?
I would love to be able to have a nice long strip of pictures, all the same size and evenly spaced, running down the side of this post.
So that's where you disappeared to.
It looks beautiful.
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