August 4, 2008

Menu Plan, Tuesday

Things have been a bit busy around here since Toni broke his arm. Shortly after that I started to feel poorly, on closer examination of his new food, I discovered, and it shouldn't have surprised me, that gerbil food is not gluten free. I thought perhaps that's what was making me so blue.

Then the itching started. Turns out the good word is: I have scabies. So that's what all the horrible itching was all about. Now I just have to take care of that. Anyone have any herbal remedies for scabies? I'm not such a big fan of over-medicating myself.

On a happier note, I keep seeing everyone else's menu plans (and I can't quite get the banner for myself) and I thought I'd follow my fellow bloggers lead and try my hand at it. Since it's supposed to be a way to share with our fellow gluten free folk I decided that someone might benefit from my rather unconventional meal style.

As some may know, my boyfriend is a personal trainer and I am trying to lose some weight and tone up, so that I can look like a gym-rat too. Following his advice we eat about every three hours. Between that and being gluten free we have to plan to take food with us too eat at specific times and meet our nutritional requirements. In doing this I eat pretty much the same thing everyday, but it does require some planning. My daily diet goes something like this:

Breakfast 8am: 1 cup of ricotta cheese and 1 teff quinoa pancake

Snack 11am: 1 Dedicated Woman protein shake with Green Vibrance

Lunch 2pm: 1 4oz turkey, beef or chicken burger and 1 boiled egg white

Pre-Gym Snack 5pm: 3 hard boiled egg whites and 1 piece of granola bar (a recipe I'm still perfecting to post later)

Post-Gym 7:45ish: Dedicated Woman shake

Dinner 9pm: Dinner varies depending on what's in the house, but is always some type of
protein and brown rice.
example: tuna with egg whites and brown rice
shrimp scampi (watch for this recipes) with brown rice
poached salmon with onion, tomato and brown rice
grilled chicken breast lettuce wrap
scrambled eggs, 3 whites and 1 whole egg

Weekend meals don't really vary much from this, but I often fix something fresh.

My gym routine usually includes 30-45 minutes of strength training and 1 hour of cardio.

(And if anyone is wondering, this routine and eating schedule is working for me quite nicely. My boyfriend and I are happy to answer any type of "diet" or workout questions too)

P.S. As so many of my fellow bloggers do, I am going to give my boyfriend a pseudonym. Rather than use his initials (MM) he will be known as The Trainer.

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