August 11, 2008

A New Toy, A New Snack and a New Menu

Well, I've been playing with my newest you for the last week (this ones not a kitchen gadget, surprisingly) and it looks like the only thing I can't do with the iPhone, besides julianne potatoes, is post to this blog. If you're reading this, I figured out a way to write on the iPhone and email it to myself to post.

On Friday the Trainer and I went to Whole Foods for groceries and dinner. This is as close as we get to going out to eat these days. We figure it's cheaper and healthier. And at least Whole Foods lists all the ingredients in thief salad bet offerings.

I had a coupon for Mary's Gone Crackers and after checking the nutrition and ingredients we decided that they were acceptable to try. I'm trying to move away from overly processed items, who wants crackers made from chemicals, even if they do taste like their gluten counterparts? And the Trainer is very anti carb, especially for me.

The verdict? The Trainer didn't try them, but I thought they were great. They're more like a conglomeration of grain rolled thin and baked, rather than the more traditional cracker I was expecting. Nice and whole food-y with lots of whole seeds and crunch.

After a baking debacle this weekend, I think it's time I went completely grain free. Does anyone want most of the box of Mary's Gone Crackers? Let me know.

And now, without further ado, my tentative menu plan for this week.

Breakfast: ricotta cheese and homemade granola or eggs and teff-quinoa pancakes

Lunch: Beef, chicken or turkey burger lettuce wraps with boiled egg whites

Dinner: Home-roast beef with grilled onions
Pan roasted Sea Bass with wilted spinach and adzuki beans
Horseradish Dill Salmon salad with peas and Mary's Gone Crackers Caroway crackers.

Between-Meals: Dedicated Woman shake with Green Vibrance and homemade granola bars.

Have a great week!

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Thanks for leading me to a zucchini bread recipe, and a fun new blog!

  2. I LOVE Mary's Gone Crackers! (I literally buy them buy the case for my family.) They don't get stale if you keep them in an airtight container, so you should hold on to them. In moderation, they're amazing!

    (... says the gf- carb queen of America....)
